Fostering Critical Thinking through PBL-SSI in Renewable Energy Topic among High School Students
Fostering critical thinking stands out as a paramount objective in learning, warranting diligent cultivation and refinement. This study uses a Problem Based Learning (PBL)- Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) learning model for renewable energy materials to enhance students' critical thinking skills. This research utilized a quantitative method with a one-group pretest-posttest design, and the sample comprised 33 students from SMAN 3 Samarinda. Data collection involves assessments with ten questions in the form of essays. Conclusions from the research show that using PBL with SSI learning models on renewable energy can foster students' capacity for critical thinking. After the learning process, 21 out of 33 students were classified as critical, and 12 out of 33 students were classified as very critical, with an average N-Gain value of 0.69, which is included in the medium category, and a paired (2-tailed) T-Test Sig value of 0.000, which indicates there is a significant influence from the use of PBL-SSI. This research provides insights into how teachers might use this approach in the classroom to help students become more adept critical thinkers in the twenty-first century by giving them resources to broaden their critical thinking skills.
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