BIO-INOVED: Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan opened in January 2019, publishing scientific articles in June and December. This journal obtained the p-ISSN on Tuesday, 21 May 2019, and the e-ISSN on Tuesday, 27 August 2019. In addition, the journal cover changed in December 2019. English title of this journal is BIO-INOVED: Journal of Biology-Innovation Education. BIO-INOVED Journal has been indexed/abstracted/listed by 13 institutions (National and International) in 2019 and added three indexations (National and International) in 2020. Since 2020, there have been several updates to this journal which include:
- The time of publication is April and October.
- Articles published in English.
- Journal templates and author guidelines improved in January.
- Journal templates improved again in May: On the last page of this latest journal template there is research documentation which is only used as evidence of research activities, not to be displayed in the Galley.
Since 2021, there have been several updates to this journal which include:
- Bio-Inoved Journal added one more indexation (International).
- The publication is three times a year in February, June, and October.
- Bio-Inoved Journal has been accredited with SINTA 3 by The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia.
Since 2022, there have been several updates to this journal which include:
- Writing the article's title with "Capitalize Each Word" changed to "Sentence case".
- The article history only contains information about the date of submission and acceptance.
- Involving internationally qualified editor from Malaysia so that the reviewer members come from two countries.
- Involving internationally qualified reviewer from Malaysia so that reviewer members come from two countries.
Since 2023, there have been several updates to this journal which include:
- Involving internationally qualified reviewer from Kenya and Australia so that reviewer members come from four countries.
- This journal has been accredited with SINTA 2 by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Journal templates changes in January.
- Journal publishes a maximum of 15 articles per issue.
- We will be more selective in accepting articles to improve the quality of publications and management.
- Journal templates changes again in June including the addition of date information and writing rules.
Toga Hitam (Black Toga):
Wahana menimba dan mengembangkan pengetahuan.
The vehicle of study and development knowledge.
Cincin Kuning (Yellow Ring):
Cerdas dan kreatif untuk mencapai kesuksesan.
Smart and creative to achieve success.